There is no/a sexual report – entity, identity and the construction of a relational San Francisco


Binghamton University,
Departement of Arts and Literatures Conference on
Literature, Politics, and Aesthetics: Jacques Rancière and the Politics of Adisciplinarity

march 28th-29th 2014

die Votrags- und Projektreise wird unterstützt und gefördert von
Kunstraummato e.V.
Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Büro NY
Glas Klar-a product of
sowie private Sammlern und Förderern

Artist Jos Diegel (1982, Germany) presents and introduces his project, produced in cooperation with Lisa Schröter in San Francisco during ARSE ELEKTRONIKA – conference for sex and technology, organized by austrian art group Monochrom. The presentation, that will be a lecture including a documented film screening.

The intimate scenario of a six day-relationship between Jos Diegel and Lisa Schröter - based on the thesis of Jaques Lacan "there is no sexual report" and its antipode, Jean-Luc Nancys "there is a sexual report" – marks a paradox medial parody of pornographic revelation and an examination of the high value of sexual identity and shifts the private act into the public sphere, as a public
presentation of art. If there and how had been a relation and communication of the bodys, not only of sexes, but also of the performing body and the living body that would be imposed by that machine as a compelling story that people believe in. This illusion is part of a concept of believe, as well this idea of everybody has to ‘believe’ in his social position. Words like ‘performance,’ ‘relation’ and ‘sex’ are able to disturb the ideal society in which everything is in its right place and behaves, perceives, senses and thinks according to this place. Disciplinary thought at all, also within art, denies this disturbance truth-validity in order to ‘stabilise’ societal relations. A discipline, so is a definition f.e., is “the constitution” of a territory of objects “and therefore the establishment of a certain distribution of the thinkable” and “as such it supposes a cut in the common fabric of manifestations of though and language.” If in order to judge free from knowledge about the purpose, value and genesis of the object, a ‘will to ignorance’ f.e. for constructions of love and intimacy, of sex and sexes, and of live and art itself, would be necessary, this ‘will to ignorance’ can be ‘believed in’ and that is called a “change in the regime of believe.”

Jos Diegel & Lisa Schröter - There is no/a sexual report (Teaser, Oct 31th 2013) from J.O.S. on Vimeo.

There is no/a sexual report – entity, identity and the construction of a relational San Francisco


Binghamton University,
Departement of Arts and Literatures Conference on
Literature, Politics, and Aesthetics: Jacques Rancière and the Politics of Adisciplinarity

march 28th-29th 2014

die Votrags- und Projektreise wird unterstützt und gefördert von
Kunstraummato e.V.
Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Büro NY
Glas Klar-a product of
sowie private Sammlern und Förderern

Artist Jos Diegel (1982, Germany) presents and introduces his project, produced in cooperation with Lisa Schröter in San Francisco during ARSE ELEKTRONIKA – conference for sex and technology, organized by austrian art group Monochrom. The presentation, that will be a lecture including a documented film screening.

The intimate scenario of a six day-relationship between Jos Diegel and Lisa Schröter - based on the thesis of Jaques Lacan "there is no sexual report" and its antipode, Jean-Luc Nancys "there is a sexual report" – marks a paradox medial parody of pornographic revelation and an examination of the high value of sexual identity and shifts the private act into the public sphere, as a public
presentation of art. If there and how had been a relation and communication of the bodys, not only of sexes, but also of the performing body and the living body that would be imposed by that machine as a compelling story that people believe in. This illusion is part of a concept of believe, as well this idea of everybody has to ‘believe’ in his social position. Words like ‘performance,’ ‘relation’ and ‘sex’ are able to disturb the ideal society in which everything is in its right place and behaves, perceives, senses and thinks according to this place. Disciplinary thought at all, also within art, denies this disturbance truth-validity in order to ‘stabilise’ societal relations. A discipline, so is a definition f.e., is “the constitution” of a territory of objects “and therefore the establishment of a certain distribution of the thinkable” and “as such it supposes a cut in the common fabric of manifestations of though and language.” If in order to judge free from knowledge about the purpose, value and genesis of the object, a ‘will to ignorance’ f.e. for constructions of love and intimacy, of sex and sexes, and of live and art itself, would be necessary, this ‘will to ignorance’ can be ‘believed in’ and that is called a “change in the regime of believe.”

Jos Diegel & Lisa Schröter - There is no/a sexual report (Teaser, Oct 31th 2013) from J.O.S. on Vimeo.